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Auto Glass Repair
Delaying auto glass repair in Sun Valley (or anywhere else in Southern California) can be detrimental to your windshield and your safety. Even in spring, temperatures can reach well into the seventies, while nighttime lows can plummet into the 40s. These fluctuations cause a lot of movement in the auto glass, which makes existing damage exaggerate at a rapid pace. Cracks grow deeper and longer, and chips tend to ‘spider’, making Windshield Repair less of an option the longer you wait.
Sun Valley Mobile Auto Glass has been servicing the area for over 15 years, and we’ve solidified our status as local area experts in:
- Auto Glass Repair Sun Valley
Over the years we’ve found that a vast majority of the general public is unaware of the fact that windshield repair is usually covered by insurance companies with little to no deductible. They think they are going to have to come out of pocket with a large chunk of change to get the cracks or chips in their windshield fixed. The truth is that in most cases, the insurance company will cover the costs. But take solace in the fact that even if your insurance plan doesn’t cover auto glass repair, our prices are extremely competitive. So, you can get your vehicle’s main safety equipment (the front glass) back into tip-top order in an affordable and fast manner. We specialize in same-day service, so just give us a call during our normal hours of operation seven days per week, and we’ll get your glass problems solved quickly.